Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mt Keira

I'm trying to get fitter, not fatter. Nadine is a very good cook!

There just happens to be a fabulous hill nearby called Mt Keira nearby. Here's a view from below looking up (that's the big thing on the horizon at the back!)

And from above looking down! (As an aside, how awesome is this part of God's creation with the mountains and the sea so close!)

In other words, it's 466 metres altitude above our house, and takes a lot of climbing on the bike!

The record for the ascent set by a Norwegian friend was around 24 minutes, my best time was 28 minutes and 37 seconds. Currently I'm doing it in 34 minutes and 23 seconds.

I've set a goal of 27 minutes by the end of the year.

Can I pull it off? We will see!

1 comment:

  1. It must be hard not getting fatter with Nadine cooking for you, she really IS an amazing cook!

    Oh, how we miss Wollongong! You'll have to keep up the good work, as we'll probably be back in Wollongong for a holiday in March next year (As long as our little son doesn't protest too much;))

    Are you up for a ride then? I'm sure you'll do better than me (Stian (and also Liz....)), as we have practically no hills around here!

    Take care!
